Sijmen’s projects

By Sijmen J. Mulder


Show Touches No nonsense iPhone/iPad app that shows touches.

Unix tools

These are small tools in the Unix tradition. Some are useful, some extraneous, but all are written for my own enjoyment. If any of these don't compile on a modern Unix distribution, please let me know.

Name Description
flood Rapidly invoke (flood) a command.
funjoin Split separated input into files.
json-yaml Convert JSON to YAML
msort A merge sort experiment.
nostt Command line NOS Teletekst reader.
rng Copy ranges of lines from stdin to stdout.
trickle 600 baud pipe and terminal.
unjoin Split input lines on separators.
within Run a command in other directories.
dated Add a timestamp to every line of a stream.
cycle Repeat a file or stream forever.

Windows tools

Like the Unix tools above: maybe useful, but mostly written for my own enjoyment.

Name Description
Boot To A reboot menu for Windows
closeall Close all windows.
Fatpack Build mutli-architecture ‘fat’ binaries for Windows.
MessageBox Displays a Windows message box from the command line.

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